SEC Newgate CEE Ranking: Valuation of the Polish CEOs #TOP30 of the Polish Stock Exchange

In an era of globalized markets and instant media coverage, decisions regarding the appointment or departure of a CEO are often directly reflected in stock prices and the perceptions of companies by institutional and individual investors. A leader’s ability to innovate, build strategy and manage brand reputation is critical to creating shareholder value.

The SEC’s Newgate Ranking: VALUATION OF POLISH CEOs #TOP30 OF THE POLISH STOCK EXCHANGE shows that the quality of leadership translates into concrete stock market results. This year’s eighth edition of the list is not only an analysis of the value of managers, but also a diagnosis of the strength of the Polish capital market and its leaders. In the period under review, from April 2023 to June 2024, the Stock Exchange recorded clear increases, while the stabilization of the macroeconomic outlook and the optimism of global investors supported the success of managed companies.

The key conclusion of this year’s ranking is the dominance of the finance and banking sector, which accounts for more than 44% of the total value of the TOP 30. Michal Gajewski, CEO of Santander Bank Polska, once again proved the strength of his leadership, maintaining his leadership position with a value of PLN 2.6 billion. Also on the podium were Brunon Bartkiewicz of ING Bank Slaski and newcomer Roy Perticucci of Allegro, who held his position long enough to appear in the ranking for the first time. Perticucci’s presence brings a new quality to the list from the e-commerce sector.

The report clearly emphasizes the importance of experience, competence and management effectiveness as factors determining the value of managers. The best leaders not only deliver financial results, but also build stable long-term value, resilient to the volatility of global markets. This year’s results show that the top three managers are responsible for an impressive value of nearly PLN 6.4 billion, an increase of 60% compared to last year.

This year’s ranking also recognizes the growing momentum of industries outside of finance, including the new technology, construction and services sectors. Thanks to an effective business strategy and global expansion, leaders of companies such as X-Trade Brokers, Rainbow Tours and Synektik have risen significantly in the list, demonstrating their key role in the success of the organizations they manage.

Our report presents thirty CEOs whose image and reputation translate into the valuation of the companies they lead. SEC Newgate’s ranking: the Valuation of CEOs #TOP30 OF THE POLISH STOCK EXCHANGE was based on a clear methodology, and the final results were influenced by the assessments of SEC Newgate CEE financial market experts, economic journalists and stock market analysts. It is worth remembering that a leader’s personal brand is more than a public image: it is a set of values, competencies and messages that build trust and inspire action both inside and outside the organization, and successes and crises affect the value of the organization, as the ranking showed. In an age of instantaneous information flow, leaders must consciously manage their profile in traditional, social and industry media, as well as actively maintain relationships with key stakeholders. Effective personal brand management allows not only to create a positive image, but also to minimize reputational risks in crisis situations. A consciously shaped personal brand of a leader, supported by a professional approach to communication and stakeholder relations, can significantly affect the company’s position in the market, its value and perception by investors, customers and business partners.

We present to you the only report in Poland that so comprehensively analyzes the personal brands of the managers of the largest companies in Poland, listed on the Polish stock exchange. I invite you to read our report and discover how the strategic management of Executive Positioning can become one of the key tools for increasing competitiveness and company value.

With best wishes for a pleasant reading,

Zofia Bugajna-Kasdepke, CEO SEC Newgate CEE

The presented report is not a recommendation. Nor is it an attempt to value the company as a whole.

The full text of Newgate’s SEC Ranking: VALUATION OF POLISH CEOs #TOP30 OF THE POLISH STOCK EXCHANGE can be downloaded by filling out the form.