SEC Newgate CEE Agency has become a content partner of the World For Ukraine event – an initiative to support the reconstruction and further development of Ukraine. The W4UA Summit is a 2-day event, bringing together representatives of business, NGOs, local government institutions and individuals committed to helping Ukraine.
World For Ukraine 2023 is the second edition of the event created to jointly identify key challenges in Ukraine’s reconstruction and develop viable, effective solutions on the country’s journey towards development. This year’s summit will take place on 28-29 September in Rzeszów. W4UA will feature 20 panels on humanitarian aid, health, justice, disinformation and rebuilding Ukraine.
One of the themes of this year’s edition will be the fight against disinformation. Participants will analyse the current landscape of disinformation campaigns, highlighting their impact on politics, the media and public opinion. The role of new technologies, including artificial intelligence, in shaping the disinformation landscape will also be discussed, highlighting the challenges and opportunities they present. The panel aims to deepen the understanding of disinformation and explore potential strategies to counter its effects internationally. Maciej Powroźnik, Managing Partner SEC Newgate CEE, will be one of the panellists in this area of discussion.
“The last two years, since the start of the armed conflict in Ukraine, have shown that disinformation is a real threat and poses a serious challenge to social and political life. Not only in the local context, but especially in the international context. The panel on disinformation warfare will be an opportunity to deepen our understanding of this problem and to seek effective strategies to counter it. Our support of the W4UA Summit is at the same time an expression of our commitment to helping Ukraine,” says Maciej Powroźnik, Managing Partner SEC Newgate CEE.
Among the aspects discussed at the event, economic issues, such as empowering refugee communities, overcoming barriers of access to the Ukrainian market for engineers and construction companies, the energy crisis and sustainable development issues are particularly prominent. Business practitioners, international law experts and chamber of commerce professionals present at the event will also speak on how environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles can underpin Ukraine’s recovery.