7th edition of the report presenting the most valuable heads of listed companies

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    For the seventh time now, we have the pleasure of presenting the SEC Newgate Valuation of Polish Managers TOP 30 report – a study presenting a ranking of the most valuable heads of listed companies. Every year, we take into account the leaders of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange – they are part of the WIG20 and mWIG40 indices.

    The valuation for the first three managers of the ranking is almost PLN 4 billion. If the indices corresponding to all thirty people in the study were added up, this value would amount to PLN 9.5 billion. This is the equivalent of a large listed company on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

    The average value of a manager from the TOP 30 concerning the company he or she manages was almost 4%, and the leader of this list represents as much as 5.1% of the value of the company he or she manages.

    These figures, while impressive, are incomparable to those from overseas. When Gamestop’s CEO Matt Furlong was dismissed in June 2023, the company’s capitalization fell by more than $1 billion the next day, the equivalent of half of our entire ranking. The announcement of Visa’s CEO Alfred Kelly’s retirement had the effect of reducing the company’s capitalization by a gigantic 20 billion in just three days.

    These figures clearly show the importance of the company’s management to both its value and its stock price. A leader who effectively builds stakeholder relations and is active in the media becomes a valuable asset to the company he or she manages. This is why the Executive Positioning strategy becomes so important for the company, which, if implemented consistently, brings visible results and translates into an increase in the value of both the CEO and the company.

    In our report, we present thirty CEOs whose image and reputation translate into the valuation of the company they lead. The TOP30 ranking is based on a clear methodology, and the final results were influenced by the assessments of SEC Newgate CEE financial market experts, economic journalists, and stock market analysts. We present to you the only report in Poland that so comprehensively analyses the personal brands of the managers of the largest companies in Poland, listed on the Polish stock exchange.

    Agnieszka Trzaskoma
    Interview with Szymon Dziewięcki
    22 January 2025
    Article by Sebastian Hejnowski
    13 November 2024