Wycena Polskich Menadżerów 2022
New edition of valuations of CEO of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
In 2022, the highest valued CEO of companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange is the CEO of ING Bank Slaski. Bruno Bartkiewicz’s estimated value is PLN 1.12 billion and represents approximately 5% of the bank’s capitalisation. He overtook Daniel Obajtek of PKN Orlen and Marek Piechocki of LPP, valued at PLN 0.84 billion and PLN 0.78 billion respectively.
For the second year in a row, the only woman in the list, Beata Kozłowska-Chyła, recorded a high position in the top spot. The CEO of PZU moved up one position and ranked just behind the podium with a score of PLN 637 million.
The year 2022 highlighted the even greater dominance of banks and financial institutions. Their value accounted for 36% of all companies in the ranking. This is almost double the increase compared to the previous edition of the report. The heavy industry sector moved into second place, pushing representatives of new technologies lower. The latter, for another year in a row, found itself in a downward trend.
The recession on the capital market in Poland was strongly noticeable. Of the 40 companies surveyed, only 8 increased their capitalisation, and the highest increase did not even reach 40%. This is a far worse result than in previous years, when the winners increased their value several times.
In the best manager category, which does not take into account company capitalisation, the winner was Omar Arnaout of X-Trade Brokers, scoring 27 points out of a possible 30. Second place went to Tomasz Hinc of Grupa Azoty (25.5 points). Just ahead was Dariusz Mańko from Grupa Kęty (25.3 points).